Get Physical

There's no tired like ocean tired.  You know it if you've spent ocean time on a small boat.  It's an all-over fatigue and it's mostly from just keeping yourself upright, whether standing or sitting.  Every single wave works your core muscles, all day long. 

Real strength is also needed to lift gear, shove off the dock, and move ice chests around.   My seminar audiences hate when I say it, but ocean boating requires both strength and endurance. 

So get strong.  But start small.  Do 10 reps of any exercise as part of your morning routine.  Push ups are great if you can do them.  If not, start with push ups standing against a wall.  Or unweighted squats.  Or leg lifts.  Or do curls with a milk jug. It doesn't really matter, just start. 

This weeks challenge is to to 10 reps of any exercise as part of your morning routine.  It's not a workout.  It's more of a mindset. It's an acknowledgement that you have a life on the water.   It's a small win every morning.  Forever.

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